Johannesburg Events

Green Genes Wellness Center
39 St Albans Avenue
Craighall Park

TUESDAY the 29th of January

Introduction to Access Consciousness™

Kass Thomas presents ”Ease and Amusement of Living Consciously”.

Bars available to try with Hanne and Anna and local Bars Facilitators and practitioners. The bars is a gentle, yet potent body process which releases 1000s of points of view that cause stress and helps you connect to the life source of the planet.
Cost 280 rand  Registration  Payment

WEDNESDAY the 30th of January

Ease and Joy with your body with Hanne

A playful workshop to have ease and joy with your body. Tools to change whatever you would like to change. What if your body is the greatest tool to awareness and change?
Cost 280 rand Payment & Registration

During this class you will be able to try Bars session. You can also schedule an individual body work session during the class.

THURSDAY the 31st of January
Access Energetic Facelift

The Access facial is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the appearance of aging; the technique can create similar effects throughout the body. Learn the Access Energetic Face Lift™ with a friend or two so you can gift and receive the benefits if this dynamic process on a weekly basis. 
A brilliant addition for any beauty therapists business, and/or massage therapists wishing to extend to their clientele. Cost 850 rand  Payment

FRIDAY the 1st of February

Thriving and Joyful Business, taster with Kass and Anna

This class invites you to change every limitation, judgement and separation you have created with money and facilitates you to start to function from prosperity consciousness! Are you willing to change your situation and relation with money?
Cost 280 rand  Registartion  Payment

SATURDAY the 2nd of February

Thriving and Joyful Business, full day workshop with Anna, Hanne and Kass

Would you desire to change what is limiting your business and the money flow to a thriving business and living? What if creating your business was joyful? What if you could find out what you really love to do and let money follow.

This class offers you unique tools and techniques for you to choose a different reality with money, your business and work situation. Are you willing for your business to be totally different and abundant?
Cost 1.625 rand Payment

Private sessions, daily
(requires prebooking)


Career choices

Horse sessions



Energetic facelifting

Access coaching

Advance registration requested
Audio recordings of the classes are included in the priceFor more information about full day class, class location, private sessions, group rates and special deals please contact:
Vanessa Jansen +27828759710
or visit:

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